Chemawawin Cree Nation

Treaty 5

COVID-19 Update: A message from Chief Easter – April 13, 2021


There is a large outbreak of COVID-19 currently in Chemawawin. Our community. Now, more than ever, you need to do your part to kick this virus out of our community. Every action you take will help.

This is what we all need to do:

Order #1- Stay home. One person can leave their home to get food, personal hygiene, fuel, other essential items. Medical services, and to work on their business. Do not let other people into your home other than for emergencies. If you have symptoms stay home, and ask the Nursing Station on what to do

There is curfew in place, 11pm to 7 am. Which there will be no visiting, no gathering, no partying and according to code red restrictions.

People caught violating the curfew, will not be allowed to leave to the community, as you are at risk for covid, and people may not be allowed to leave if they have not been vaccinated.

Order #2 – all businesses must be close to the public. Except the store, or business used to provide services to those isolating

Send only one person to buy groceries or medications

The school, band office, public building, will be closed to April 18th, and employees are asked to work from home. The store will be open from 10 to 6 indoor and 6 to 8 curbside pick up only.( no kids)

Order #3 – masks are a must in any outdoor public and any indoor public spaces. Face masks are mandatory in all public indoor spaces, you need to wear one

Order #4 – No person shall travel to Chemawawin Cree Nation. Only residents, govt of Canada, govt of mb, crown corp, health care providers; business to provide services, cfs agencies business, and court proceedings.

Wash or sanitize your hands often. Cover your cough. Stay two meters apart from others outside your household.

If you have COVID-19 infection or are a contact to someone who does, stay isolated for as long as the Nursing Station staff tell you to. Those who leave isolation too early, and those who organize gatherings can be fined by the RCMP.

Call the RCMP:204-329-2000 or

Peace-Keepers: 431-227-3752 or

Nursing Station: 204-329-2212

And finally, get your COVID-19 immunization. This is a safe and effective vaccine that will help keep you or your loved ones out of the hospital. Because children cannot be vaccinated, it is really important for adults to get vaccinated in order to protect our children. I am got my vaccine and I want you to as well.

Together we can beat this virus. We wish you and your loved ones wellness and good health.